Life’s Odometer
The distance we have traveled in life Whether one year or one hundred Cannot be changed or altered No matter how much we have blundered We have been where we have been We have done what we have done None of that can ever be changed No matter what we've lost or what we've won But in Christ we have a rare opportunity To be renewed, to be "born again" To start fresh, to start over No matter our past, no matter our pain In Christ, we can reset life's odometer And head in a whole new direction Renewed in mind, body, and soul In Him we become a new creation
Reflection: It is human to dwell on the past. We cannot help but hit the playback button of our minds as if we were watching TV reruns. Inadvertently, however, we sometimes trigger some of the same negative behavior simply by focusing on it. In other words, thinking too much about our past sins can keep us trapped in them. In Christ we find the strength to move forward, beyond past negative and sometimes destructive behavior.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17