September 16

My True Weight

Earlier this week I had a colonoscopy. My first one was ten years ago. One of my sisters asked me how many pounds I lost with the prep. That reminded me of a post from an old website I had and thought I would repost it here, with some minor edits.

As I walked through the wilderness of the world, I came to a place where there was a den. There I lay down to sleep; and as I slept, I dreamed a dream. In my dream I saw a man clothed with rags, standing by a path with a book in his hand and a great burden upon his back. His face was turned from his own house, which stood nearby. I saw him open his book and read, then begin to weep. No longer being able to control his feelings, he broke out with a mournful cry, saying, ‘What shall I do?’

[Pilgrim’s Progress – In Today’s English, John Bunyan – Retold by James H. Thomas (©1964, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago)]

Recently, I heard about a congressman tweeting that he underwent a colonoscopy.  I asked myself “why would anyone want to tweet about that?  Then I had my own.  I know, not something you really want to hear about.  But, believe it or not, I have a positive message.  So, back to my story. I was getting ready for the procedure; I did all the prep work the day before and very early the next morning. It occurred to me to weigh myself.  I was curious to know how much I weighed after the “cleansing.” I weighed several pounds less than my most recent weight. I went to my wife and told her that I now knew my “true weight.” 😃

In the above quote from Pilgrim’s Progress we find Christian, a character carrying a heavy burden on his back. He felt the extra weight!  He felt so weighed down by the burden that he could not move as quickly as he wished towards his destination, the Celestial City.  The burden was in fact a handicap.  How does Christian unload this burden?  When asked by Worldly Wiseman “Whither bound in this burdened manner?” Christian replies: 

Burdened indeed, as much as any poor creature can be.  And since you ask, I am going to that little gate yonder before me; for there, I am informed, I shall be directed in the way to be rid of my burden.

Pilgrim’s Progress, id. at 19.

We oftentimes go around carrying burdens, some heavier than others, weighing us down.  We all bear them in different ways. We meet people along the way, much like Christian does in Pilgrim’s Progress, who either give us additional burdens to carry or who help us carry or ease our loads.  But do we ever find anyone who actually relieves us completely of our burdens?

In Jesus Christ we find that extremely rare opportunity: 

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 

Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus wants to unburden each of us and free us from whatever it is that weighs us down, the stuff that keeps us stuck in the mire:

Now, I saw in my dream that just as they ended this conversation they came near a miry slough that was in the middle of the plain.  Being careless, they both fell into the bog, which was called the Slough of Despond.  Here they floundered for a time in the mud.  Soon Christian, because of his burden, began to sink. 

Pilgrim’s Progress, id. at 17.

What burdens are you carrying that are causing you to sink in the mire?  Jesus Christ can show you “the way to be rid of [your] burden.”  He can help you find your true weight.

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Posted September 16, 2021 by Eugene Troche in category "Christ-Centered Reflections", "Life Experiences", "Scripture Readings