April 11

Cold Feet

This morning I was a little chilly.  “It will get warmer” I told myself.  After all, it is Spring.  I walked by the wooden cross my wife and I have been placing on the kitchen table the last few Easters and lit the candle beside it.  I began to pray, but my feet felt a little cold. I stopped and said “excuse me Lord” – I chuckled as I said that – and went to get my sandals.  I came back and finished my little prayer.

This made me think about cold feet.  You know, about how people get “cold feet” – especially when they are about to embark on a new adventure.  The online Cambridge Dictionary defines cold feet as follows: “to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important such as getting married.”  Hence, the gift of socks for the bride or groom.  😊

What also came to my mind was the following verse from the Bible: “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”  Rev. 3:15-16.  I know, that sounds a bit harsh.  The point here is that God wants us to seek him wholeheartedly, fervently, and not have cold feet about our pursuit. 

My prayer today is that during these extraordinarily difficult times more and more people seek God wholeheartedly, fervently, and not have cold feet about it.  And, if we get cold feet, imagine ourselves wearing the sandals Jesus wore when he walked on this Earth, bringing the good news and healing people.  God knows we all need healing these days. 

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and that, my friend, is my prayer this Holy Saturday. Amen.

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Posted April 11, 2020 by Eugene Troche in category "Uncategorized